Spell Magic Wiki
Billie Jenkins


Born: 1986
Species: Witch

Billie Jenkins is a fictional character on Charmed

Powers & Abilities[]

Basic Powers

'Spell Casting': The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.

'Potion Making': The ability to brew potions.

'Scrying': The ability to locate a person or object by the use of a scrying crystal and a map.

Active Powers

Telekinesis':' The ability to move objects and beings with the power of one's mind alone. It can be channeled through the eyes or the hands. Billie had apparently learned to master this power quickly, given she used it to enhance her natural acrobatic and martial arts talents so that she could perform flips and other gravity-defying maneuvers.

Deviation':' The ability to use one's power to deflect magical energies back to the direction it came from. Billie is able to deviate powers such as Fireballs by using Telekinesis.

'Agility': An ability that provides the possessor with inhuman agility, reflexes, and speed. It allows one to perform incredible feats such as superhuman jumps and leaps without much effort.

'Projection': The ability to manipulate reality. It is channeled through imagination, high levels of emotions, and the will to let things happen. Billie requires an intense amount of concentration to employ this power effectively.

Life Draining: The ability to drain the life out of living beings. The first time Billie used Projection, she drained the life from a plant.

Transformation: The ability to manipulate reality and transform matter into something else.

Astral Projection:The ability to project an astral form of oneself outside of the body.

Nature Enhancement: The ability to grow augment or restore life to plants.

Power Augmentation: The ability to enhance the powers of magical beings or objects.

'Time Travel': The ability to project oneself into a different place in time.

Other Powers

'High Resistance': This power causes Billie to be highly resistant to otherwise-lethal powers such as Fireballs.

Significant Spells[]

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